photo: Axel J. Scherer
theaterperformance, Supermarkt der Ideen Oberhausen and University of Arts Kharkiv, together with Ukrainian and Russian acting students, in the Frame of: PARADE Festival Kharkiv.
40 people from Ukraine, Russia and Germany go on a journey to look for the heart of things – in themselves, in the people they meet, and in the towns they are visiting: Kharkiv and Oberhausen, both shaped by industry and post-industrial developements.
video „MEIOSIS“, HD 4 min. 54 sec, winner of the EVZ videocompetition 2020
In an old concrete watertank in post-industrial Ruhrgebiet, originaly built to fill steam engine locomotives with water, benath the eyes of a russian filmmaker, a russian choreographer and a german actor and musician take contact to the furious history of industrialisation in contrast to the needs and movement of the human body.
Selected Works